If you find yourself in need, especially when navigating the complexities of technological decisions that can often feel overwhelming, I’m here to assist. Whether it’s selecting the most fitting tool for your needs or providing valuable advice, I’ve got you covered. Here, you can find some use-case examples.

Don’t worry if your particular use case isn’t explicitly mentioned in the following list – reach out, and we’ll find the perfect solution together.

Collaboration guidelines Services I provide

“As an author, I’m in need of a prelaunch website for my upcoming masterpiece, featuring a landing page with book highlights, author bio, social media links, and a prebooking mailing list.”

Tailored Solution: A landing page with book highlights, author bio, social media links, and a prebooking mailing list.

Related Services: Domain setup, HTTPS secure landing page, CMS integration for book updates with Django Wagtail, and hosting.

What I Offer: Transparent communication, documentation, maintenance, and support.

“As a restaurant owner, I need a website where patrons can explore my menu, place orders seamlessly, and reserve tables.”

Tailored Solution: A visually appealing online menu, secure online ordering, and a reservation system.

Related Services: Domain setup, HTTPS secure website, CMS integration for easy menu updates with Wordpress, and reliable hosting.

What I Offer: Custom web development, deployment, market analysis, and transparent communication.

“As a fitness trainer, I want an online fitness haven for my clients, featuring video-centric workout plans and a personalised fitness portal.”

Tailored Solution: Video-centric workout plans, a personalised fitness portal.

Related Services: Domain setup, HTTPS secure platform, CMS integration for content updates, and a tailored membership portal written in Django Python Framework.

What I Offer: E-commerce solutions, user testing and feedback analysis, wireframing and prototyping in Figma, and maintenance and support.

“As a startup entrepreneur, I want an e-commerce platform for selling handmade crafts, complete with captivating listings, a secure shopping experience, and efficient inventory management.”

Tailored Solution: Showcase of listings, a secure shopping experience, and efficient inventory management.

Related Services: Domain setup, HTTPS secure website, integration with a robust e-commerce platform, secure payment gateway, and reliable hosting.

What I Offer: Web application development, API development and integration, and feature prioritisation. FastAPI, AWS, PostgreSQL. Version control with Git.

“As an event planner, I want a digital assistant to streamline my processes through client management, event scheduling, budget tracking, and seamless vendor communication tools.”

Tailored Solution: Client management, event scheduling, budget tracking, and seamless vendor communication tools.

Related Services: Domain setup, HTTPS secure website, CMS integration with Wordpress, and hosting.

What I Offer: Roadmap planning, PoC (Proof of Concept), and MVP (Minimum Viable Product).

“As an educational consultant, I’m seeking a dynamic online learning platform with course creation, progress tracking, and interactive discussion forums.”

Tailored Solution: Engage learners with course creation, progress tracking, and interactive discussion forums.

Related Services: Domain setup, HTTPS secure website, LMS integration, and hosting.

What I Offer: Content Management Systems (CMS), documentation, and more.

“As a freelance photographer, I desire an online gallery that captivates my audience, complete with a visually stunning portfolio, an inquiry-friendly contact form, and a secure platform to sell my mesmerising prints.”

Tailored Solution: A visually stunning portfolio using React or VueJS, an inquiry-friendly contact form, and a secure platform to sell your mesmerising prints.

Related Services: Domain setup, HTTPS secure website, CMS or portfolio integration, and reliable hosting.

What I Offer: Transparent communication, documentation, and flexibility.

“As a healthcare professional, I’m in need of a secure telemedicine haven, offering virtual consultations, appointment scheduling, EHR integration, and secure payment for consultations.”

Tailored Solution: Virtual consultations, appointment scheduling, EHR or Doctolib integration, and/or secure consultation payment.

Related Services: Domain setup, HTTPS secure telemedicine platform, and reliable hosting.

What I Offer: Custom web development, deployment, and transparent communication.

“As a manufacturer, I’m in search of a streamlined production process through inventory tracking, order management, and insights into production efficiency.”

Tailored Solution: Inventory tracking, order management, and insights into production efficiency.

Related Services: Business-centric domain setup, HTTPS secure website, and reliable hosting, HTML, CSS.

What I Offer: Market analysis, user testing and feedback analysis, and flexibility.

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