Hello! I'm Marius.

Product Manager and Software Developer based in Berlin.

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Doodle of Marius Avram using a Laptop

I am a Product Manager and tech enthusiast with a decade of experience in Software Development.

I have a Computer Networking and Programming background, having worked as a Software Developer for over ten years. I like building things people can use and making a positive impact on their lives.

I am currently based in Berlin, Germany. I am interested in EdTech, CleanTech, HealthTech, FoodTech, Open Source Software, and shipping things that matter.

Marius Avram dog training Mio in Python
Marius Avram bouldering at Der Kegel

I really enjoy bouldering and climbing, which helps me get a fresh perspective on things. I spend a lot of time with my dogs in nature and teaching them tricks. Both activities, climbing and dog training, involve a lot of problem-solving and finding creative solutions, which relate in many ways to coding. Additionally, I enjoy spending time in the kitchen, trying out new recipes and baking all sorts of desserts. You can find some recipes here.

You can find out more about companies, projects, and things I have worked on here.

Sometimes I write about stuff.

Companies I worked at


Marius Avram profile portrait

I am enthusiastic about taking on diverse challenges and am open to various work arrangements, including permanent positions, contract roles, freelancing, and consulting opportunities. Remote or Hybrid. With a strong foundation in web development, I specialize in Django, Rails, ReactJS, and VueJS. Additionally, my skills extend to product management, ensuring your projects are not only technically robust but also strategically aligned with your business goals.